Winter CourtSynopsis: The group arrives at a Daidoji keep for winter court and become embroiled in courtly politics.Year 1168 IC, Month of the BoarBayushi Ryu,
Kakita Kenjiro and
Utaku Ying-Lien arrive at a small Daidoji keep close to Lion territory. It is in the mountains near the former Beiden Pass , north of the Kakita Dueling School overlooking the Lake of Sorrows . They are greeted by
Daidoji Takakana, Karo for the keep. He takes everyone's katana and asks them to keep their wakizashi on them at all times or in their rooms. Then, they are shown their rooms where they will stay until the New Years Celebrations.
Bayushi Ryu has arrived to be the
Nokado (marriage go-between) for
Daidoji Kage and
Isawa Mutsuye, an assignment he received only a week ago (to his surprise). He has brought his wife
Kita and his children with him.
Daidoji Jin and
Doji Noriyaki are already at the keep. Jin was given a message from his Daimyo that he was to report to
Bayushi Kita when she arrives at the keep. Noriyaki was at the keep because his family's temple dedicated to Kuni Harika is only a short walk up the mountain.
After they have a chance to rest, everyone is given a notice by
Daidoji Kikaze (the Daidoji Daimyo) to attend to his chamber during the Hour of the Horse.When they all arrive, Jin meets
Bayushi Kita, Bayushi Ryu's wife. She introduces herself as a former member of the Kakita. Her family has been kind to gift her husband a yojimbo, Daidoji Jin.
The others introduce each other before the shoji doors open and they find their host,
Daidoji Kikaze, Daimyo of the Daidoji Family, sitting on a raised dais surrounded by bodyguards. Everyone bows, but Kenjiro bows in an exquisite manner that Kikaze notices. They exchange pleasantries before Kikaze tells the players why he asked them there. Their lords have offered their services to him during winter court, and he requires them. His eldest son is marrying
Isawa Mutsuye and the final arrangements are being made that evening. He trusts that after that time, there will be NO FURTHER DIFFICULTIES.
Without warning Ying-Lien blurts out "have there been many other difficulties?" Kikaze fumes and almost challenges her outright for the insult before Kenjiro apologizes for his wife’s inappropriate behavior. Because Kenjiro showed exemplary behavior earlier when bowing to the Daidoji Daimyo, Kikaze lets this one go but asks him to control his wife.
Kikaze leaves the group and the Karo steps in to “explain his Lord’s instructions.” They are to seek out and find any information about Mutsuye that may make her an inappropriate choice to marry Daidoji Kikaze’s son,
Kage and report such information before the marriage can be formalized with the
Nokado. Discretion is mandatory and Kage must not find out about the investigation. They have until the Hour of the Dog to find out anything.
The Karo dismisses the group and they begin by trying to find Mutsuye. They are told that she is at the temple dedicated to Kuni Hiraka, an hour away up the mountains. Bayushi Ryu overhears a conversation between
Isawa Akiko and her friends. Akiko, it turns out, is a close friend of Mutsuye. Ryu lures her away from her entourage and questions her. He is pulled away from her by Akiko’s friends but he promises Akiko he will find her later.
In the meantime, Ying-Lien sees a contingent of Unicorn and their many tents and she tells the group to go ahead of her while she speaks to them. She finds out that although the Unicorn arrived recently, they are preparing to leave on orders from the Khan. They do not want to insult their gracious host, so they are leaving in the morning after the evening’s festivities.
So, Noriaki, being very familiar with the area, leads the rest of the group up the mountain to the temple dedicated to Kuni Hakira. (whom nobody seems to know anything about). His statue sits between the statues of Benten and Jizo and is crowded over in offerings. Kenjiro sees his blind sister,
Shiba Yakiko praying before the alter and sits behind her so as not to disturb her ritual.
In the meantime, Ryu finds Mutsuye in a small ante chamber, the shoji door guarded by three samurai-ko. The samurai-ko will not let Ryu in but say they will let him know when she is done her prayers. Ryu relents and returns to the group.
Ying-Lien arrives and she tells Kenjiro about the Unicorn exodus. Noriaki is curious and begins talking to her about it. Kenjiro’s sister finishes her prayer and after a friendly, but surprised, greeting, she takes Kenjiro aside for a private conversation. Kenjiro tells her he has misgivings about being here because he wants the blood of the Toturi. Yakiko says he should forget the past that it will not serve him well. She asks who his rather loud friend speaking behind her was, and he introduces Noriyaki. She says she knows who Noriyaki is and apologizes. She says he can rely on her to keep the Temple running smoothly. Noriaki appreciates the gesture.
Ryu, no longer wishing to wait, barges past the samurai-ko and into Mutsuye's chamber where she is conducting her ritual. All the elements that were floating around the room while she prayed, fell to the floor. She fumes and complains, but her ritual is ruined. Mutsuye storms out of the room with Ryu following closely behind. Meanwhile, Noriyaki enters the chamber and summons a water kami to see what she was doing. It reveals nothing useful to him.
The group travel back down the mountain without Mutsuye (who tells them she will come down by palanquin). As they get to the gates of the Daidoji keep, Jin sees
Matsu Hira, his sworn enemy. Jin keeps his distance and watches as they enter. By the time the group gets inside, the party is in full swing. They enter the main room and see members of many of Rokugan’s clans: Crane, Crab, Lion, Phoenix , Unicorn and a small amount of Scorpion.
The Daidoji have prepared a full slate of festivities for the evening.
Daidoji Kurako, the hostess for the Winter Court, lets everyone know about the dance competition. Only a few enter. First up is
Shosuro Shiko who performs an old dance entitled
Song of Sparrow's Flight. She receives mild applause for her competent performance, Next,
Asako Kuhime performs the
Five Elements Dance and trips up. She receives a few polite applause. Kuhime is so embarrassed at her failure she runs off stage. Ying-Lien runs after her. Then, Ryu gets up to perform. He tells Kurako that he will perform the
Dance of the Scorpion and the Frog. Ryu has no dancing or performing skill whatsoever, but is so Agile, he manages to pull off the performance of the night – that is until
Ide Keiyomi stumbles into the room to perform
The Tunnel of Quiescent Flame, a dance which is both graceful as well as provocative and garners applause from Unicorn and Crab alike.
During Keiyomi’s distracting performance, Ryu leaves the table and tells Jin not to follow. He sees Akiko and again flirts with her while her friends try and keep her from blabbing everything she knows about Mutsuye to the handsome Scorpion courtier. Still, Ryu manages to pry Akiko away from her friends and take a walk with her around the garden. Ryu sees
Bayushi Yori, his brother’s wife, staring at them as they leave.
After her stunning performance, the crowd (mostly Crab and Unicorn) erupts with applause. Kurako awards Keiyomi with the prize for best dance and then she staggers up to Kenjiro and flirts with him. Kenjiro rebuffs her advances telling her that he is married to an Otaku Battle Maiden who might not appreciate Keiyomi’s flirtatious ways. Keiyomi wastes no time and sidles up to Noriyaki who, not being married doesn’t seem to mind her flirting. She lets him know that she knows Mutsuye, which makes him all the more curious. When she invites Noriyaki to her room (which she loudly re-states as “going for a walk in the garden”), he agrees to follow in a while. She tells him she is going to slip into something “more comfortable” and staggers out the door.
Meanwhile, Ying-Lien follows Kuhime back to her room and comforts the sad samurai. She appreciates Ying-Lien’s friendship and lets her know she has an ally in court. Ying-Lien, satisfied that Kuhime is not going to commit seppuku, leaves Kuhime and walks toward the festivities. She passes Keiyomi in the hallway as Keiyomi stumbles up toward her room. Before she can return to the party, Ying-Lien spots the archery contest and sees
Shiba Noboru, Mutsuye’s bodyguard. She enters the archery contest to talk with Noburu, but watches as Noboru wins handily. Ying-Lien walks back toward the party.
In the meantime, Ryu has dropped Akiko like a lead balloon and snuck into Mutsuye’s room. She is nowhere to be seen, and Ryu did not see her at the party. He looks around and finds a shugenja scroll which he cannot read. He slips it under his kimono and returns to the party.
When Ryu returns, he finds Yori in front of the door. They have an argument in front of everyone before Yori stomps off. Ryu returns to his table just as Ying-Lien returns. Suddenly, a Unicorn samurai rushes into the room and announces that Ide Keiyomi has just been found in her room, dead. The snow is falling. No one is leaving the castle.
Next: The Mountain Witch, part 2 - the Trial