Thursday, November 03, 2005

(RC) Player Characters

The following are the Player Characters who have joined the Ryujin Chronicles (for Mage: the Awakening):

Kemosiri - Path: Moros, Order: Mysterium - American Archeologist who awakened while on an archeological dig in Egypt. Enjoys the writings of HP Lovecraft;

Kontonshin - Path: Acanthus, Order: Adamantine Arrow - Canadian Wannabe Samurai who loves all things Japanese, she awakened in Calgary on what appeared to be a 16th Century Japanese Battlefield;

Memento Mori - Path: Obrimos, Order: Mysterium - originally a stage magician from the United States, he became a famous Debunker of all things Supernatural before Awakening. He specializes in Prime magic;

Tenzin She-rap Cho-kyi (true name) - Path: Thyrsus, Order: Mysterium, Legacy: Bon Po - a Tibetan sorceror who awakened and immediately joined a Legacy based on Ancient Tibetan Sorcery. He speaks no English or Japanese and requires the help of his young Retainer Gei Ho to translate. He is in Japan at the request of his Master.

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