Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Welcome, Irrashaimasu!

Welcome to the first post for the Asian Echo Blog. This Blog is dedicated to (believe it or not) Asian RPG gaming. I have been gaming since 1978 and because I am Asian Canadian, began to specialize in gaming with an Asian flare.

I began (like most gamers) with D&D. I began my journey through Asia with Oriental Adventures and branched out from there. I have tried Bushido, Land of the Rising Sun and GURPS Japan and China. More recently, I have playtested Feng Shui and ran Legend of the Five Rings. I also ran Kindred of the East (for Vampire: the Masquerade) and Asian versions of Mage (including using Dragons of the East). I also own Jadeclaw, HKAT, and Wushu. I just recently purchased Weapons of the Gods.

Currently, I am running a Mage: the Awakening campaign set in Kyoto, Japan. Most of this Blog will be dedicated to that campaign entitled Ryujin Chronicles. But every now and then, I will post news, rules and other such thoughts that pop into my head concerning what it is like to be an Asian Canadian living between worlds. I might even throw out my thoughts on some movies, books and other media. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

You have missed a few Asian setting games that I consider worth reading, as you may remember I am an Asian setting fan as you may remember (we were the main 2 buying KotE from Dragon's Den in the day before you moved).

First, you may want to check out the Outlaws of the Water Margin game, which unfortunately was never completed, but the drafts can be found online at:
I am not entirely sure how it plays, but it has some cool ideas.

Second, Pagoda is an interesting attempt at creating a chinese feeling character. It can be gotten through a link off of:
Again, haven't had a chance to play it, but it looks like it could be fun. And again it is free.

The third is Weapons of the Gods, which is in the process of Distribution. Website for it is:
Based on the comic of the same name, but from the play testing reports I have seen, it seems like it will be lots of fun. I got my copy yesterday and have been impressed.

I know, a bit off topic for the blog in total, since it is focused on your new mage campaign, but I thought you might want to know about these.

Calvin Jim said...

Hey Grymm. Thanks for the feedback. You are not off topic at all.

As for all those other Asian-style games:

Outlaws of the Water Marsh - I have only seen a smattering of stuff on the Net and I have not seen anything coherent. It is based on one of the seminal Chinese novels, so I imagine it might be good. Don't know yet.

Pagoda: Never seen this before. I'll have a look.

Weapons of the Gods: Don't have it yet. Waiting for the promised PDF to make it to Drive Thru RPG. I've heard great things about it, and may use it as inspiration.

Nice to hear from someone in Saskatchewan. My players (they are not named) are almost all former Toon Town folk.