Sunday, November 23, 2008

(L5R) Ch 2 – The Betrothal, part 2

The Duty

Synopsis: Daidoji Kikaze meets with the samurai and sends them on a personal quest.

Shosuro Shigeru greets Ryu in the room and tells him that he has a gift for him. He opens a shoji and reveals Bayushi Yori who stands, rushes to him and almost crushes him in a bear hug. Shigeru tells them he will leave them alone. Ryu tries to get to Shigeru and asks if she is the price for the Dragon Helm. Shigeru says “of course not” before closing the shoji behind him. Ryu tries to follow Shigeru, but Yori pulls him back. She has not seen him in months and wants very much to make amends. Ryu does not resist and they spend much of the night pillowing and enjoying each others company.

During the night, Yori explains to Ryu what happened after winter court. She tells him that after Ryu had rebuffed her advances, she was convinced that he no longer had feelings for her, so she ran away. Cold and half-starved, she was found by a kind ronin who helped her out and nursed her back to health. The ronin explained that he was joining his brothers at Ryoko Owari, but she said she did not want to go back there. Yori is surprised when the ronin tells her that there is a war on and explains that she would be safe there. Yori reluctantly agrees to come to Kyuden Ikoma at least – the pass into Scorpion lands is difficult to get through because the Unicorn is blocking it. Yori follows the ronin to Kyuden Ikoma where she spent her days in quiet contemplation before the ronin introduced her to the kind Shigeru. She had no idea Ryu was in the same city.

In the morning, Ryu bolts up and realizes he has spent the whole night with Yori and not with Kita. He rushes out of the Teahouse and forgets his mask.


The previous evening, Noriyaki hired Toshio, an artisan, to build him a small shrine to the Kami of the Dragon Helm. He asked him to build it in an area of stone overlooking the city and he paid two koku for the privilege. When he returns, Jin proposes they have a tea ceremony. He needs something to relax his mind for the duel he will have with Hira in the morning.

In the morning, Noriyaki and the rest of the samurai prepare to go up and consecrate the shrine. Jin looks for his charge and does not find him. He asks Hiroko whether Ryu had returned the night before, and she says that he had not. Jin returns to the Teahouse and tells the others to go and consecrate the shrine without him.

When Jin arrives at the teahouse, he is greeted by an elderly matron who remembers Ryu but does not know where he was. She also tells him that discretion is a major part of her business and that she cannot disclose any details about a nightly rendezvous. It would be bad for business. Jin remembers one of the geisha who took Ryu with her – she wore a light green kimono. The matron finds the green robed geisha named Tae. Tae takes Jin to the room where Ryu met Shigeru. They find a futon with blankets which had obviously been occupied the night before, and they find Ryu’s mask hanging on a hook. Tae then explains that Shigeru ordered her and the other geisha out and then shut the shoji behind them. When she returned later at night, she could hear a man and woman behind the shoji pillowing, but Tae did nothing to disturb them. The matron explains that Ryu had left quietly and no one knows where he went. Dejected, Jin leaves the teahouse.

Noriyaki, Kenjiro and Ying-Lien arrive at a small and hastily constructed shrine at the top of an outcropping of rock overlooking Kyuden Ikoma. Noriyaki places the Dragon Helm on the altar and performs a small ceremony consecrating the shrine – nothing fancy, just a simple ceremony (Theology roll just barely made it). The Kami is satisfied.

As they begin climbing down, they see dark smoke in the distance and feel the thunder of hooves approaching Kyuden Ikoma. The Unicorn have arrived and it looked like they were preparing to siege Kyuden Ikoma. The black smoke was the Lion samurai, burning crops and supplies to prevent the Unicorn from capturing anything to feed their army with.

When they returned to the city, the makeshift peasant refugee camp outside the city gates was in disarray as the peasants were busy taking down their ramshackle tents, gathering up their belongings and trying to stay out the way of the advancing Unicorn army.

Jin returns to their home. He gives Ryu’s mask back to Hiroko and delivers it to Ryu. Ryu is getting ready to go to the bathhouse when he runs in Jin. He thanks him for the mask but brushes him off saying he will be right back.

Jin prepares for his duel with Hira. Kenjiro is petitioned to be Jin’s second, and he agrees. When they arrive outside the city gates, Hira is waiting for them with her own second, Matsu Gihei, another Lion samurai as large as a Crab berserker.

Hira and Jin prepare for the duel and begin sizing each other up. Jin examines Hira’s stance and realizes that she has been working on her dueling skills. She has improved and when Hira sees the worried look on Jin’s face, she smiles.

They are about to begin focusing when Daidoji Chisato interrupts the ritual and orders them to stop the duel and attend Kikaze at his guest house in the keep during the hour of the rooster. Hira is incensed and tells Jin that this is not over. She storms off with Gihei who scowls at the samurai as they leave.

Ying-Lien decides that this may be her opportunity to join the Unicorn army. She rides out dressed in her sky blue kimono and is greeted by Unicorn Battle Maidens who take her to the yert of Utaku Yaeko, their commanding officer. When she is escorted in, she finds Yaeko sitting on a small dais. The other Unicorn samurai are busy putting up wall hangings and placing rugs and other appointments that the Unicorn like to have around them. To Ying-Lien, it felt like home.

Ying-Lien gets down to business. She wants to join the Battle Maidens in their glorious march toward Kyuden Ikoma and later to Toshi Ranbo. She also explains that her husband has a plan to try and negotiate an end to hostilities such that the Lion would simply allow the Unicorn army across their lands. Yaeko cannot speak for Moto Chagatai, the Khan, but says that she might be able to see him at a later time. In the meantime, Ying-Lien agrees to ride out with them tomorrow morning. Yaeko is only glad to have Ying-Lien on her side.

Just before the Hour of the Rooster, Jin goes looking for Ryu again. Frustrated, he returns to the teahouse to be told that he met and left with Shigeru. Jin has had enough with pleasantries. The meeting with Daidoji Kikaze, the impending invasion and his own problems are enough without having a recalcitrant charge who refuses to stay with his bodyguard. Jin finds Kita and asks her if she had seen her husband earlier. She tells him no. Jin asks about a woman named Yori and Kita says that she is Ryu’s brother’s wife. She asks if Yori is in town, but Jin does not admit to anything. Jin excuses himself and Kita tells him that if she sees him, she will let him know that Jin is looking for him.

The samurai are escorted into the grounds of the keep at Kyuden Ikoma. They are taken to a small house guarded by Daidoji Chisato and another Crane samurai. Chisato shows them in and then leaves. Kikaze is sitting crosslegged by the table and shares tea with them. Then he asks them if they are truly Crane samurai and if they would die for their Clan and their Emperor. Each respond saying yes before Kikaze asks them “then why did you betray me.”

Kikaze tells them he knows about the deception involving his son’s death. Shosuro Shigeru came to him and told him about it all. Then, he throws the wakazashi and obi that the maho-tsukai had and that Ryu used as proof of his death. Kikaze tells them that Shigeru wants something from them and then asks if they know what he is talking about. Everyone else remains silent, but when asked, Ying-Lien tells him about the Dragon Helm.

When pressed about the accusation Shigeru is making about who was complicit in faking his son’s death, everyone denies knowledge, but Kikaze sees through their lies. He calls their actions treasonous and says he should have their heads, but falls short of asking for them – he sees Shigeru’s hand in everything that happened and is not convinced that Shigeru did not just manipulate everything.

The samurai ask him why he simply does not call Shigeru’s bluff and challenge him to a duel. No one would believe such things of the Daimyo of the Daidoji family. Kikaze explains that any knowledge could compromise his position as a credible negotiator for the Crane in this war. The Lion may be desperate to gain their help, but he wonders whether they would negotiate with someone whose trusted son and samurai betrayed him in such manner. By the time things are sorted out and the truth revealed, the Unicorn could have marched on Toshi Ranbo. He cannot afford a scandal to delay negotiations.

When asked if any of them could challenge Shigeru, Kikaze tells them not to touch him. Instead, he has a different duty for them. Despite what they have done, he is convinced that they are the only ones he can ‘trust.’ Kikaze wants the samurai to find out what Shigeru wants with the Dragon Helm and to find and return his son. Kikaze explains that Kage is not his true son, but that his mother had an affair and died giving birth to Kage before revealing who the father was. Despite this knowledge, he raised Kage as his own and never told him he was a bastard. He dearly loves his son and despite the dishonor that will come with revealing him as a fraud, he wants him back.

Finally, Kikaze tells them this quest must remain a secret. He cannot afford to have knowledge of their quest get out into court. The samurai commit to both tasks and return to their home. Along with this, he cannot give them papers to travel through the disputed territory. Once they get to Dragon lands, he has a friend who will give them travel papers, but they will not have any until then.

The samurai return to their quarters, a lot on their minds.

Next: The Crossing

Saturday, November 22, 2008

(L5R) Ch 2 – The Betrothal, part 1

The Teahouse of Jade Thunder

Synopsis: Daidoji Jin is betrothed to Matsu Hira. Meanwhile, the Unicorn Clan continues to march across Lion lands.

It is the Month of the Boar in the year 1168 IC and the Empire of Rokugan has been thrown into chaos. The Unicorn Clan attacked the Lion Clan in an unprovoked and deadly winter assault. Normally, winter is the worst time to conduct a war. But for the Khan, it is an opportunity that was not to be wasted. With its mounted cavalry, the Unicorn use the winter to their advantage and flank the Lion forces at every turn. Their huge mounts glide past the Lion infantry which struggles in sometimes waist deep snow, surrounding them and cutting them off from reinforcements and supply lines. Entire Lion battalions are captured or killed as the Unicorn easily capture towns and cities that dot the Plains of Battle.

But as the New Year approaches, the Khan’s purpose becomes clear. The Khan does not just wish to attack the Lion; the Khan is attacking them only as a means to an end. The Khan is marching his troops to Toshi Ranbo, the Imperial Capital. He intends to take the Imperial Throne and declare himself Emperor. The surviving Hantai siblings, Kaneka and Sezaru, have both refused to take the throne. Kaneka is happy being Shogun and Sezaru continues his hunt of the Shadowlands throughout the empire. Neither wish to engage in courtly power politics and so both refused the Steel Throne. The Khan saw this as weak. He believed that the empire needed someone of strength to rule – someone who was strong enough to fight the tide of the Shadowlands that has ripped across the Empire from time to time over the past century. So the Khan took action.

In the hours after the initial attack, the group of samurai that had just killed a maho-tsukai in an abandoned keep overlooking Daidoji castle, arrive to find the castle in chaos. Amidst the chaos, Ryu looks for Bayushi Yori but does not find her. Finally, he ventures into the basement of Daidoji castle and finds Shosuro Shigeru. He hands him the maho-tsukai’s obi and wakizashi as proof of his death and the completion of their duty. Shigeru thanks him and asks if there was anything else there, a helm perhaps. Ryu says yes, but since Shigeru had never mentioned it, they have taken it as their own. Shigeru is somewhat annoyed, but does nothing else.

Two months later…

Year 1169 IC, Month of the Tiger

The Lion have asked the Crane for help in fighting back the Unicorn war machine. So far, the Crab Clan are not intervening, deciding that the Empire needs strength on the throne. The Mantis Clan have also refused to get involved deciding instead to sell arms to both sides. The Dragon Clan and Scorpion Clan have been silent. Only the Phoenix Clan have rushed to the Lion’s aid, but as peacekeepers, not soldiers. So, the Lion have turned to their allies, the Crane. Daidoji Kikaze, being the highest ranking member of the Crane on this side of the lines of battle, has been elected to negotiate for the Clan. The samurai have been requested to help him in negotiations at Kyuden Ikoma.

The samurai have been living in the Noble Quarter of Kyuden Ikoma since they arrived over a month ago. As a guest of Kyuden Ikoma, Kikaze has been given a guest house in the keep itself.

It is during these negotiations that Daidoji Jin receives a note from Kikaze delivered by his new envoy, Daidoji Chisato. The note tells Jin that as part of an attempt to strengthen ties between the Lion and Crane, he has been betrothed to Matsu Hira. Jin’s face goes red. He is betrothed to the one Lion who hates him. They had dueled several times in the past. Nothing good could come of this. The messenger becomes scared that Jin is about to kill him, but Jin reassures him that he will not.

The note also asks Jin to appoint a Nokado. Jin asks Bayushi Ryu who accepts the honour. Jin then goes to the market to find appropriate wedding gifts for the betrothal to take place later that day at the Teahouse of Jade Thunder.

Ryu decides that while the Crane and Lion were finding new ways to make war, he would try to make peace. He visits the Unicorn compound. It is tightly guarded by Unicorn and Crane samurai, a hedge against any possible Lion attacks. A servant shows him and takes him to a serene snow-covered garden in the back. Ide Murai, the Unicorn advisor, greets him and asks if he would like to try a delicacy from beyond Rokugan’s borders – a dark beverage known as “kohi”. Murai’s father had brought it back from the Burning Sands and they have grown small crops on the Utaku Plains ever since. The brackish liquid is bitter, but Ryu actually enjoys the taste.

Ryu speaks to Murai about the Khan’s invasion. Murai supports his Khan, of course, and he calmly states his Clan’s position – that the Khan intends to take the throne. Murai hopes Kikaze would eventually call on him to speak of those matters, but have not heard anything from him. He expects that the Lion are so desperate to get help from the Crane, they will lose the war in the meantime. As Ryu is escorted out, Murai gives Ryu a small package of kohi beans with instructions on how to brew a cup. They do a gift dance before Ryu graciously accepts.

Ryu then sends an invitation to the Lion Clan, hoping to get an idea of what it would take for the Lion to sue for peace.

Meanwhile, Noriyaki is doing research into the helm and discovers it may be a Dragon Helm. He takes it back to his compound and while the others looked on, summons the Kami in a ceremony. A steel Kami responds and answers Noriyaki’s question – that he can indeed command an Elemental Dragon. This Dragon Helm is indeed, a valuable if not legendary, nemuranai. Ryu rationalizes that this Helm is what Shigeru sent them for up the mountain – not necessarily to kill the maho-tsukai. The steel Kami requests that Noriyaki build him a shrine within one day in exchange for such information. Noriyaki agreed.

Ying-Lien, being Unicorn, has had a hard time traveling through Kyuden Ikoma without getting accosted by Lion Clan samurai. So she has a kimono made in Crane colours with the Unicorn mon and white fur trimming. It will not attract as much attention as the purple kimono she normally wears.

Ide Murai summons Ying-Lien. When she arrives at the Ide compound, Murai shares kohi with her and asks her why she is not with the other Battle Maidens. She explains that her duties with her Crane husband preclude her from being on the battlefield even though she really wants to be. She decides, however, that she really wishes to be on the battlefield with the remaining Battle Maidens. Murai says he will arrange papers for her to meet up with a nearby contingent of Battle Maidens lead by Utaku Yaeko.

Kenjiro, in the meantime, discusses the possibility of using the Dragon Helm as a carrot – to get the Lion to agree to allow the Unicorn to cross their lands in exchange for a prominent position in the Khan’s new court (such as Shogun). In exchange, they could give the Dragon Helm to the Unicorn as a token of peace – to ensure that they do not lay waste to the Lion lands.

Before they can set those plans into motion, the samurai all get ready for Jin’s betrothal party. Ryu offers kohi as a gift, but Jin wisely decides against it. They all arrive at the Teahouse of Jade Thunder. It is a large two storey structure with many rooms for both tea and more intimate activities. Many serving girls and geisha greet them and escort them to their private room on the second floor. The servant opens the shoji door. They find a breathtaking view of the Mountain of the Seven Thunders as well as Matsu Hira kneeling beside an older gentleman dressed in Lion colours who introduces himself as Matsu Shogo, Hira’s father. Ryu introduces himself as the Nokado and everyone else files in. When Hira sees the Unicorn, she bolts upward and almost draws her katana before Shogo quietly calms her down.

Daidoji Jin begins by giving three gifts – first a war fan, then a Go set and finally a sake set. Always ready to pick a fight, Hira accuses Jin of offending her by giving her a sake set and implying that she is a drunk. Jin defuses the situation by saying it is to be used to acknowledging victory in war. Unconvinced, Hira tells Jin he is insensitive and that the gift is a bad one. Ying-Lien had enough of Hira and begins arguing with Hira. The two get up and almost draw katanas right there before Kenjiro drags his wife out of the room and takes her back to their quarters.

When Shogo calms his daughter, he presents Jin with a scroll with a painting depicting the Lion victory at the Battle of Black River, despite the mistakes of the Crane. Jin politely disagrees and explains that it was the Lion who refused to listen to Crane commanders. Hira yells at Jin telling him that her grandfather was at that battle and the tales he told were the true accounts of that battle. Jin interrupts and tries again to explain the Crane side of things. Hira accuses Jin of insulting their ancestors and challenges Jin to a duel. Having bested her before, Jin agrees to a duel to first blood the next morning outside the city walls – the duel will decide once and for all who is correct about their version of history.

As they leave the Tea House, Ryu sees a small group of geisha beckoning to him. He cannot resist and tells the others to go home without him. Ryu goes with the geisha to a back room. When they open the shoji door, they find Shosuro Shigeru there to greet them.

Next: The Duty

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dramatis Personae - Chapter 2

Ide Murai – Unicorn Clan Courtier at Kyuden Ikoma. Prides himself in the 'kohi' his family grows on the Utaku Plains.
Ikoma Tadasu – Courtier of the Lion Clan – He is responsible for negotiating with Daidoji’ Kikaze
Daidoji Kikaze – The Daidoji Daimyo
Daidoji Chisato – Daidoji Kikaze’s envoy
Matsu Shogo – Matsu Hira’s father
Shosuro Shigeru - Scorpion Clan Shugenja who likes to examine dead Shadowlands creatures. He wants the Dragon Helm.

Other NPC's in Other Chapters:

Chapter 1 NPC's
Chapter 3 NPC's

(L5R) Ch 1 - The Mountain Witch, part 4

Part 4: The Maho-Tsukai

Synopsis: The group learn about the mastermind behind the murders, a maho-tsukai who lives in an abandoned keep located up the mountain.

Immediately after her waking from her nightmare, Ying-Lien talks to Kenjiro about the disturbing dream. They do not know exactly what it means or whether it is a true representation of what will happen or merely a metaphor, but now they are both aware of the prophecy.

There is still the matter of finding the true maho-tsukai. After several days of quiet investigation (which included several forays into the local bath houses looking for scars and tattoos, the samurai hear of an old peasant rumour – that there is an haunted keep at the top of the mountain overlooking the shrine. The maho-tsukai surely lives there.

After hastily making preparations, the group quietly leaves the Daidoji keep and ventures up the mountain, stopping only long enough for Kenjiro to visit the shrine and see his sister, Shiba Yakiko. Kenjiro tells her about the dream and asks her what it means. Yakiko tells him that without more, she cannot tell him exactly what it means. It may be symbolic or it may indeed be prophetic. Any more she could not say.

As the motley collection of samurai continues their short journey up the mountain, they find two sets of human footprints – both venturing up toward the old keep. Were there two maho-tsukai at work here? Who else was hidden within the castle walls? After eight hours of following the path up the mountain, they finally spot the old keep. Along each side of the path approaching the keep, they see dozens of white masks hung atop bamboo poles. The masks stared at them with eerily glowing eyes. Kenjiro knocked one of the masks off its moorings. He found an ordinary candle behind the mask.

As they approach the gates of the keep, they see one light glowing at the top of the keep. That is where the maho-tsukai is, they surmise. That is where they will find him and dispatch him to Jigoku for the trouble he had caused them.

The front gate crashes open. Three large goblins rush out to greet them, but they are ready for them. Kakita Kenjiro shoots an arrow at one while Daidoji Jin rushes up and easily dispatches another. The others move in and take the goblins out before the goblins on the wall shower them with arrows. But the goblins fail to hit their targets and the samurai rush through the open gate. The few remaining goblins try to intercept them, but are easily killed by Kenjiro’s arrows and Noriyaki’s Jade Strike spell.

Sensing very little opposition, they walk along the keeps dilapidated wall and approach the main keep. Just as they approach the stairs down to the keep itself, they hear a thunderous pounding inside. A gigantic ogre crashes through the door. Undeterred, Daidoji Jin attacks it with fervor previously unknown to him. With one strike of his katana, he slashes the Ogre across his mighty chest. The ogre staggers and notices black ichor draining from the large gash Jin had given him. The others move in and attack. The ogre strikes back, but the tides of battle had turned and the ogre falls easily.

The group moves quickly into the decaying keep. The wood and paper walls are ragged. Wind whistles through the tattered halls. As the samurai move into the keep, they hear a quiet laughter from above.

“So, he has decided that I am to die, has he?” says the disembodied voice. “Then come and try. I will enjoy the challenge.”

There is one thin staircase creeping upstairs. Daidoji Jin ventures ahead of the others – given confidence by handily defeating the ogre. As he climbs up to the third floor, he is suddenly hit by a bolt of energy. A numbing cold climbs within his body, and though he resists, it drains him of his will, stunning him. (the bolt of nothing drains 1 VOID permanently). Two large black creatures appear from the shadows and begin stalking the stunned Daidoji Jin. To Jin, they look like cats, almost the size of tigers. But their appearance keeps shifting making their true appearance a mystery. Jin does not care. They are still unnatural creatures from the Shadowlands and they will be sent back to the abyss they came from.

The others rush upstairs, but the thin staircase prevents them from all converging into the room to help their comrade. Noriyaki is behind them all and wants desperately to summon an earth kami, but until he is able to see the creatures, he cannot begin his prayer.

One of the minions rushes at Daidoji Jin with blackened claws. It strikes him fiercely before moving off evading Jin’s katana. Kakita Kenjiro rushes up the stairs, nocks an arrow and fires at one of the creature, missing. Ying-Lien rushes up behind Kenjiro but also fails to land a blow. The creature circles around and strikes at Jin, almost knocking him on the ground but Jin responds and hits the minion hard. Ryu draws his wakizashi and tries to strike at the second minion, but to no avail.

Finally, Noriyaki, with scroll unfurled, climbs the stairs into the chamber and summons an earth kami. He feels a resistance to his prayers, evidence that there are Kansen nearby, but manages to summon the kami and commands it to strike the creatures with the power of jade. The room glows green as the kami strikes a mighty blow on the minion throwing the creature across the room.

With Noriyaki’s spell, the tides of battle turn. The second minion throws a bolt of darkness at Kenjiro. It strikes him, but he resists the cold, numbing darkness that enters his body. It is the last blow the creatures would land. The minions fall and their carcasses dissolve into the shadow as if they had never been. The samurai are injured, but they live. Daidoji Jin, however, has been hit with a bolt of

The samurai venture upstairs and find the maho-tsukai sitting cross-legged inside a mystic circle of protection. There is a nebulous smoke spinning around him not venturing forth beyond the circle.

They begin to approach. Noriyaki summons an earth kami to throw another jade strike. It is blocked by the smoke, which Noriyaki realizes is the Kansen he felt earlier. However, this Kansen is wearing a mask made of the flesh of the face of Ide Keiyomi – no doubt a sacrifice the maho-tsukai had to make to summon the Kansen. The samurai know they have the right maho-tsukai – the one who murdered Ide Keiyomi.

The samurai attack. The maho-tsukai’s fingers grow long black nails and he stands, ready for them. Noriyaki, knowing an earth kami will likely not have any affect as long as the maho-tsukai stands in the circle of protection, summons an air kami instead and a tempest of air appears in the room, blowing scattered scrolls everywhere. As the witch struggles to stand, Daidoji Jin strikes an incredible blow on the witch before Kakita Kenjiro’s arrow pierces his gullet. The maho-tsukai gasps, unable to speak before falling to the floor. The Kansen dissipates, since its master was no longer of this world.

The samurai do not cheer. By gaining vengeance for Ide Keiyomi, they have done their duty. No more, no less.

Behind the maho-tsukai’s mystic circle, sits a helm with a stylized dragon on its top. They take it and the maho-tsukai’s obi and wakizashi and venture back down the mountain. When they arrive at the Daidoji keep, they find chaos. The Daidoji samurai were scurrying about mobilizing as if going to war. When they reach the gates, the find the Karo barking orders. He ignores the samurai and their disheveled appearance when they ask him what was going on. The karo tells them that the Unicorn, have attacked the Lion.

Next: The Betrothal

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

L5R 3rd Ed Revised Errata

There were quite a few questions about the L5R Third Edition Revised Errata in our last session. Therefore, I am putting up a permanent link to the L5R Forum Post with the latest official Errata. Here it is:

L5R 3rd Edition Revised Errata

(L5R) Ch 1 - The Mountain Witch, part 3

The Duel

Synopsis: Kenjiro prepares to duel Daidoji Kage.

It is the hour of the Ox and activities in the keep are winding down. Only the Unicorn are active, preparing to leave before midday – delayed only because they were not allowed off the keep grounds until now. Bayushi Ryu quickly scrawls a haiku onto parchment. He admires his calligraphy. Ryu had never thought of calligraphy as anything but a utilitarian task. He never thought of it as art. While the ink dries, Ryu finds a young servant girl with long bangs tied back with string and shells. Ryu gingerly rolls the parchment and seals it before handing it to her and telling her to deliver it personally and secretly to Bayushi Yori. The servant bows and goes to do her duty.

But Ryu’s night was not yet done. He goes to Mutsuye’s room but he wasn’t searching for Mutsuye. What he sought were the samurai-ko who stood guard in front of her room. Of the three, only two were there. Aiko was still in Shosuro Shigeru’s clutches. Just as he is about to greet the two remaining samurai-ko, he finds Ying-Lien arriving at the same time. Ying-Lien asks to see Mutsuye, but the tallest samurai-ko, Shakuko, refuses to let her enter. Ryu, seeing that Shakuko is distracted, speaks to the other samurai-ko, Akemi. He asks her about Aiko, the missing samurai-ko. What is she like? Suspicious, Akemi tells Ryu that all three grew up together and trained together before going through their gempukku ceremony together. She was honorable and would never do anything to stain that honor. Ryu then tells her that Aiko was last seen with Shosuro Shigeru, that she has obviously failed in her duty because she is not here, and that she is not to be trusted. Akemi stares at Ryu in disbelief, but Ryu’s sincerity had had its effect.

Ying-Lien finally gains entry into Mutsuye’s chambers when Mutsuye herself tells her to come in. When Ying-Lien enters, she finds Mutsuye wearing white – the colour of death. Mutsuye tells Ying-Lien that she loves Doji Kage and would love him even beyond death. But now that it has been revealed that she is tainted, her own Clan will not take her back. After the duel, no matter the outcome, Mutsuye intends to commit Jigai, ritual suicide by slitting her throat. When asked if she knew how she became tainted, Mutsuye could only tell her that she recently had illicit and erotic dreams, but that she had never knowingly been in contact with the taint.

In the meantime, she is trying to write her last haiku, but even as a child, she hated poetry. Now what she hates the most will define her last words to her family for all time. She wants those words to be wondrous, but the pile of crumpled parchment tells Ryu exactly how successful she has been.

Ying-Lien has an idea – something that could perhaps save her life and the life of the man she loves, but first, she has to speak with Kage. She leaves Mutsuye to her poetic musings and finds Kage in his dojo, practicing iaijutsu. Ying-Lien tells him what his love intends to do after the duel and he agrees that to do anything less would be dishonorable and Mutsuye is not a dishonorable woman. Ying-Lien asks Kage if he would entertain the thought of leaving before the duel. Kage tells her that he would only leave if there was no way of dishonoring is father. Ying-Lien goes to see the Daimyo himself.

Meanwhile, Ryu believes that Aiko, might be a danger to Mutsuya. Shigeru was a poison master, that much is certain. If Shigeru found a way to control the samurai-ko’s mind, she might do something to her against her will. Ryu regretted giving her to Shigeru, even though he would arrange things to allow Kenjiro to win. Ryu finds his yojimbo, Noriyaki and the shugenja Daidoji Jin and together they go back up to Mutsuye’s room to stand guard down the hall. The remaining samurai-ko are not amused, but do nothing to interfere.

Kakita Kenjiro wakes up to find a wakizashi beside his futon. It is sheathed in white and gold and sealed with the lotus flower - the insignia of the Imperial family. After staring at it wondering where it came from, he gingerly wraps it in a silk cloth and picks it up. He hides it in a closet and calls for a servant. He instructs the servant to find Noriyaki. The servant finds Noriyaki with Ryu, guarding Mutsuye’s room and returns with him to Kenjiro’s room.

Kenjiro shows Noriyaki the Imperial Wakizashi. He feels very uncomfortable being in possession of it and wonders who it really belongs to. He asks Noriyaki to summon the kami of the wakizashi to tell him who was the wakizashi’s master. Noriyaki does not think that would be a good idea, considering the problems summoning Kami in the castle was the last time. Instead, he tells Kenjiro they should simply get rid of it. They decide to wrap it up and give it to a servant to give it to Kage anonymously and see what happens.

While Ryu and Jin continue their vigil, Aiko returns to her post with the other samurai-ko. Then, Matsu Hira appears to deliver a message to Mutsuye. She sees Jin waiting down the hall from Mutsuye’s room and begins to antagonize him. Jin ignores her ranting for a while, but then looks up and asks whether her master has managed to replace the tea service she broke. Hira fumes, gives the scroll to Aiko and then storms off. Aiko goes to open the shoji door to Mutsuye’s room, but Akemi stops her, takes it from her and does it herself. Ryu smiles behind his mask.

The young servant girl with shells in her hair approaches Ryu. She hands the scroll Ryu had so meticulously composed earlier in the evening back to him. She explains that she tried to personally deliver the letter to Yori, but she was not in her room. After waiting for a long while, she was told that Yori was nowhere to be found, that she was gone.

Ryu begins to worry for the safety of his former love and tells Jin that he will return. He goes to Bayushi Daitaro’s room. Bayushi Daitaro slides the shoji door open a crack and greets Ryu by saying “hi brother. What do you want?” Daitaro is not wearing his mask. Ryu asks if he knew where Yori had disappeared to. Daitaro answers by saying he did not know where she was, nor did he care. He seemed completely indifferent to her fate. This upsets Ryu, but he leaves and begins looking for Shigeru in the castle’s catacombs.

Ryu finds Shigeru. Shigeru informs Ryu that the Ide was not a Pekkle and that the real maho-tsukai is still out there, and that their work is not yet done. This news is even more upsetting. It meant that they were wrong and had failed in their duty to point out the right murderer. It also meant that they condemned two innocent people to death. Mutsuye, despite the fact that she is tainted, should never have been accused and her love Kage should not be dueling Kenjiro. Ryu decides to take action. First, he returns to Mutsuye’s room to collect Jin, who is still waiting down the hall for something to happen. Ryu tells Jin that Aiko is not a danger.

Everyone else is discussing the nights events trying to figure out how to save the lives of Kage and Mutsuye. They agree that they have to disappear, but the question is, how to make them disappear without making the Daimyo lose honor. Ryu believes that he can get Shigeru to give the couple a different poison to make them appear to die. Then, they can make them disappear. He also tells them that Ying-Lien must not be told of this – she has proven herself to be naïve and too trusting. If she is told, she will likely tell others.

Ryu contacts Shigeru and explains the plan to him. Shigeru nods behind the mask and agrees to do it, with a price – they must hunt down the maho-tsukai who committed the murders in the first place. They will not have to bring him in, just bring evidence of the maho-tsukai’s death to him. Ryu agrees, reluctantly.

After waiting for the Daimyo for what seemed like forever, a servant informs Ying-Lien that the Daimyo will not see her. She returns to her room. She arrives to find Asako Kuhime waiting for her. Kuhime thanks her again for the kindness she showed her the night previous and then gives her a small charm. It was made mostly of wood, but the wooden shell hid something inside that Ying-Lien could not see. Kuhime tells her not to tell anyone else about the charm – that she might get into trouble if one of her clansmates found out she gave away such a prized possession. Ying-Lien is flattered and as per Rokugan custom, does the gift dance (refuse three times before accepting) with Kuhime.

When Kuhime leaves, she enters her room to find Kenjiro, her husband, waiting for her. It is dawn. The time of the duel has arrived. Kenjiro sits Ying-Lien down. He tells her a tale about when he was not Kakita Kenjiro, when he was still part of the Phoenix Clan. He tells her that he had been reborn into the Crane Clan and that his old life was gone. And now they plan on conducting a rebirthing ritual with Kage and Mutsuye. Kenjiro explains with utmost sincerity (the fact that Ying-Lien is also gullible helps) that Ryu conduct the ceremony after the duel. He asks her to arrange for the Unicorn Clan to take them away after it is over. He also asks her not to tell Kage and Mutsuye what they are planning to do. It must all look natural. Ying-Lien agrees and goes off to contact her Clan mates.

Outside the Kakita castle, it is snowing. Kenjiro arrives, katana in hand. Kage is already in the field, kneeling before a small family shrine. A small white tent overlooks the field. Daidoji Kikaze, Kage’s father, sits on a squat pedestal. On his left, Mutsuye sits crosslegged on a white sheet. She is still wearing her white kimono. In front of her sits a scroll, rolled up tightly and bound by red ribbon. In front of the scroll is a wakizashi sheathed in the colours of the Phoenix. At the far end of the tent, Shosuro Shigeru stands – his mask hiding whatever emotion he might be feeling. The rest of the group stands near the tent to witness the duel. Jin has been chosen as Kenjiro’s second, just in case something happens to justify needing one. Ying-Lien was asked to be Mutsuye’s second.

Kage stands and faces Kenjiro. Kage yells out “show me your stance, samurai.” They each enter their iaijutsu dueling stances ready to, at any moment draw their blade and strike down their opponent. Both duelists begin sizing each other up – looking for unsteadiness in their stances or weakness in their eyes. Kenjiro stares at Kage’s impassive face. It showed no emotion, no expression, no flaw. Kage’s stance was the stance of an experienced duelist hardened by dozens of encounters – some to first blood, maybe even some to the death. Kenjiro is also an experienced duelist, but finds no weakness in his stance [GM Note: Kenjiro’s roll to read Kage’s attributes was shy by 2 points. Kage’s roll was enough, and he read 3 of Kenjiro’s attributes. He chooses Kenjiro’s Agility. Kenjiro chooses Kage’s VOID – big mistake because Kage has 4 VOID].

Both duelists shift their stances and place their hands on the hilt of their katana. Once the katana leaps from their sheath, it would take a split second to have an effect – to slice air or leave the other on the ground in a pool of blood. Kenjiro focuses zen-like to build the chi in his body all the while staring at Kage looking for a sign of nervousness – a drop of sweat on his brow, a nervous twitch of his fingers, any sign that his resolve was beginning to crack – that he was ready to strike. But Kage’s face remained implacable. Instead, Kenjiro’s mind began to race. When will he strike? When will he release his energy in one final blow? [Kenjiro focuses first and both duelists exchange focuses until Kenjiro requires a TN 30 to hit]

Kenjiro thought he saw Kage’s eyes twitch. Was that the sign? Did he just show the first sign of weakness? Kenjiro gives a shout, releasing his chi in a roar and signaling that this duel was about to end [after Kage focuses once more, Kenjiro is forced to strike. Kage strikes first and has a TN of 35 …]. In one smooth movement belying a decade of iaijutsu training, Kage draws his katana from his sheath. It arcs forward toward Kenjiro – his katana leaping toward its own target. Kage’s katana sweeps past Kage, the tip arcing across Kenjiro’s gullet, missing him completely [… and fails]. But Kenjiro’s katana hits his mark, arcing deeply across Kage’s chest. Kage stands for a moment, stunned, before falling face first into the snow.

Daidoji Kikaze puts his head in his hands. He knows he has just lost his eldest son and heir. But honor has been satisfied. Mutsuye, knowing that her fate is sealed, quickly picks up the wakizashi, unsheathes it and draws it deeply across her throat. She collapses to the ground and Ying-Lien catches her, putting a white cloth on her throat trying to staunch the mortal wound. Shigeru strides over and leans over her, examining the wound. He pronounces her dead. He then walks to Kage’s still form and examines him as well and makes the same grim announcement.

Daidoji Kikaze shows no emotion as he gets off his pedestal and walks back to the castle. Honor has been satisfied.

Later that morning at the funeral, Noriyaki reads a haiku he had composed for the occasion. Kage’s and Mutsuye’s last haiku’s are also read out. The ceremony is short, but moving.

The couple wake up in one of the Unicorn clan tents to find Kenjiro looking at them. He lights afire a Phoenix Clan kimono that he used while he was a member of that Clan, and then tells them they have been reborn. Kage and Mutsuye are dead to Rokugan. At first, both of them want to run out of the tent and exclaim that they have been dishonored, but they realize that this is a second chance. They agree to travel to Unicorn lands and try to find a cure for Mutsuye’s taint – and try to make a life for themselves.

Ryu thanks Shigeru for using his skills to prevent the couple from dying. He then turns his attention to the rest of the group and tells them they have a maho-tsukai to hunt.

Ying-Lien congratulates the couple for being “reborn” before seeing the Unicorn contingent off. As she returns to the keep, she sees Shiba Yakiko approaching her, a servant guiding her hand. Yakiko tells her of a dream she had and tells her that she had to tell her this in confidence. In that dream, she is holding an Imperial Wakizashi and being attacked by Kakita Kenjiro, her husband. Kakita Kenjiro was going to try and kill her.

[GM Note: Each of the characters lost 3 points of Honor. Kenjiro gained 2 points of Honor and Glory for defeating Kage in the duel - a gain which will be negated if it would ever be revealed publically of his part in the duel. Ying-Lien loses nothing yet.]

Next: the Maho-Tsukai